Saturday, April 24, 2010

Recipe OD

Uuggghhhh...I think I have thousands, literally, of recipes. From the ones I've written down, been given to me by family and friends, clipped from magazines and newspapers, to the couple of dozen recipe books I have. Could this be an obsession? Maybe I'm a recipe hoarder? Nevertheless, those tempting pictures of delish delights call to me. With good intentions I clip them out and add them to one of my recipe boxes. Sometimes I try them but usually I don't. Thursday I took on the task of going through one of my recipe boxes. It was an eye-opener! How many chocolate chip recipes does a gal need? Seriously! I even had a few recipes in there more than once - the SAME RECIPE! Oh my! I've pared it down considerably - keeping the tried and true ones my family loves, and the ones I really, really want to try. Maybe in a few weeks I'll revisit the box and see if there are any more I can part with. xo - Em

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Handsome boy!

My son's junior prom was last night. Taylor and his girlfriend looked smashing!

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I'm so excited - my perennials are growing quickly and I have a lovely bleeding heart that is already blooming! Tim mowed the grass earlier in the week. I can't believe how green everything is - it seemed to happen overnight.