Sunday, January 30, 2011


Working on Soul Restoration stuff.
Roast in the crock pot.
My youngest Chicklet earned a I rating at State Jazz Band Contest yesterday with his high school band. Woot!!!
Not ready for work tomorrow.
Fighting a nasty cough/headache/earache - woe is me.  (LOL)
Preparing for looming snowstorms.

Here's some pics of the Mississippi via Muscatine, Iowa on an unseasonably warm January day.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Brave Girls Club - Soul Restoration

One of my chicklets (daughter Lise) and I are taking the online Soul Restoration workshop from Brave Girls Club. It's a six week class to heal, learn and grow through creativity and journaling. I'm so excited to take part of this life-changing class. We are in week one and I have to admit, it's a little scary to face my personal fears and put light in those dark places of my soul. But even though it's scary and challenging I'm looking forward to quieting some of those monsters and seeking love, healing and truth.