Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chocolatey goodness!

'Tis the season for baking! I love the holidays and all of the baking that comes with this time of year. I'm starting to get excited again for the holidays. The past few years have been difficult for my family, we've had our hearts broken with the unexpected passings of several loved ones. I know we aren't alone - but I've just been in a funk. Finding joy in the everyday things, let alone the bigger ones, has seemed pointless to me until recently. I haven't started decorating yet but will soon. Nearly all of the autumn pretties are put away for another year. I expect it will be looking a lot like Christmas in my house next weekend.

Following all of my bloggy friends is so much fun. I can't believe how many creative people there are who generously share with us via their blogs. I came across a yummylicious-recipe via http://www.sweetbakingsupply.com/blog/ and just had to give the recipe a whirl!

Here's how I spent my manic-Monday evening!

Zoey waited impatiently just outside the kitchen - hoping I'd let her in for a bite. Oh no!
These are filled cupcakes with chocolate ganache frosting (since ganache isn't very sweet I also frosted some with chocolate buttercream). Tim must have liked them because he ate three of them before I was done frosting them! Don't they look delish? I hope my co-workers like them - they are my unofficial test market. Check out Sweet Baking Supply - awesome blog. Have a fabulous day. I can't wait to find a new recipe to try for the holidays. xo - Em

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Em'sView's photostream

Lights at Sister's GardenOutside looking in at Sister's GardenView from outside Sister's GardenSister's GardenSanta treatsVintage glam
Lise going downstairs at Sister's GardenWalk in FaithVintage "keyboard" LOLSparkly treeSilver Christmas ballsPretty
"Ice"Keyboard?Books and books - oh so many booksDecorate a tree with vintage baublesYes, pleaseMercury glass, candles=pretty reflection
for the LOVE of Vintage!How cool are these?Candles light the night at Sister's GardenPretty candlesAll is brightGingerbread men

Pics from the Farm-Style Holiday Open House at Sisters' Garden and Bloom this past Friday night.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Puppy dogs - so cute, lovable, fun, friendly, smelly. Smelly? Miss Ellie was skunked while out in the yard a couple of nights ago. The smell was overwhelming, to say the least. After a bath - a long bath with Dawn soap she smells slightly better. As I sit on my loveseat the unmistakable pungent scent of skunk lingers. I think it's coming from her head - I hesitated to wash her head too much - I didn't want to get water in her ears or eyes. But I think I'll be bathing her again.

On a nicer note, I am inspired by something I saw on Pinterest tonight. As usual. It's so easy to get sucked in to Pinterest. Time seems to stop. Only it doesn't. Flies by.

After bath #2, Ellie smells better. Still a little skunky.
xo - Em

Ellie, pre-skunk.  :)

Zoey on a walk last weekend. She didn't get skunked.