Sunday, October 17, 2010


Just feeling a little (ok, a lot) frustrated. Lost about 50 pictures on my flash drive today. The real bummer is that I think they were really good. Most of my photos from last night and today uploaded fine, but not the ones I took at a sweet little lake this afternoon. The light was perfect, the setting was serene. Giant colorful fall leaves drifting along the shoreline spotlit by the sun peeking through the clouds. Nice movement along the shore with slow, lazy days waves. Some of the leaves looked like little miniature boats just the right size for a fairy. The water was only a few feet deep along the shore and there were several leaves that were at the bottom of the lake looking upward - small fish swimming over and around them.

Oh it was so lovely today! And I'm sooooo frustrated. I also snapped a couple of photos of this cute home built in 1871 (it's on the National Historic Registry) and is for sale. So super-adorable. But they are gone too. At least the photos Taylor's high school marching band contest turned out ok - not the best, but ok. Here's to a better photo day tomorrow! xo - Em


Dani said...

((HUGS)) Ooh! I can commiserate! Two years ago, for my birthday, my friend and her daughters took my youngest son and I out for a special little celebration. And my memory card totally failed for the day. :P

Em said...

Thanks Danielle. I guess we just have to laugh about it. :) I'm sorry for your friend though - those pics were very special to her I'm sure.